Monday, May 9, 2011

Parachute games at St. Mary's

For our last day at St. Mary's school we did parachute games. The kids really loved the parachute games, and as soon as they saw that the parachute was out you could see their excitement just by looking at their faces. After the parachute games were taught, we went downstairs into the cafeteria and did things such as build with legos, color, play card, or play checkers. I was coloring with one student and he was telling me about his house and proceeded to draw a picture to go along with his story. It was quite interesting to see such a young student talking about how he lives and the type of enviornment that he lived in. Overall it was a great last day at St. Mary's and I will miss going to teach, and see the students very much.

Move Your Body, 201 Style!

For 201 we needed to get up and move it to Beyonce's "Move Your Body". We had to learn this dance so we could perform it as a class, in front of our peers, and fellow classmates. I enjoyed learning and actually performing this dance and it will forever be one of my many memories in Motor Development!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter at St. Mary's

At St. Mary's this past week, I had to teach a game to the gym group. At first I was kind of nervous on how well the game would actually turn out because the other students in 201 were going to be observing my game, and assessing how well the St. Mary's students could dribble a basketball. Over all I think that my game went very well, as well as the assessment. After we were in the gym we went outside to play on the playground. It was the first time that we had gone outside with the kids, and it was a totally new enviornment. I enjoyed being outside because we could run around with the kids, and not worry about running into another group's activity. One game that I played with a student was called 'Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag", during this game you played rock, paper, scissors, shoot and whoever loses has to run away and the winner must tag the person that lost. This was a good game because we kept switching who was chasing who. I also think that the kids were excited to be going outside because it was a change of enviornment for them as well, and they weren't cooped up in the gym the entire time.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

St. Mary's 5k, Run for the Stars

Today was the 5k "Run for the Stars" run at St. Mary's school. Alot of people from the community came to run in this race as well as help out. There was a pancake breakfast for the runners after they had finished the race, as well as a 1k race for the younger students. During the 1k race I was helping out and keeping them safe by standing by the road to make sure the students stayed on the sidewalk and off of the road. When the kids started out running it was like a mob that was just coming at you, they all wanted to run and win so they were all running pretty fast. While the 5k runners were getting ready, I helped set up a table of food, which consisted of orange slices, bagels, apple slices, and bananas. Once they 5k runners were finishing I stood at the finish line to hand them bottles of water. It is important to hyrdate your body once you are done with a long run so that your body can recovery and stay healthy. Also, as the runners were crossing the finish line, there was a timer that automatically recorded your time and sent it to a laptop were your time was recorded and saved, so that you could look at it once your were done. Overall I think that it went very well, and it was nice to see the community come out and support their school, and cheer on the kids, parents, and their family memebers while they were running.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dinosaur Train at St. Mary's

For lab 4 at St. Mary's the theme was Dinosaur Train, based off of the PBS show "Dinosaur Train". The game that I choose to do was called Dino Dash Egg Tag. In this game on of the students were elected to be the T-Rex and all the rest were the plant eatters. The T-Rex had to run around and tag the plant eatters, and try to get all of them tagged. However while the T-Rex was trying to tag everybody there was a "magic dino egg" being thrown around to the plant eatters that had been tagged. Once a plant eatter caught the magic dino egg they were untagged, and could run around again. By the time I had gotten to my game we had lost some of the students, so there wasn't too many, however I still feel that they did enjoy it. This proves that even though you may not have very many students to work with you can still achieve your goal of teaching the activity by changing up what you are doing to that you keep the students attention.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

St. Mary's Day 3

Today at St. Mary's I was with the Pre-K class. Before I went with them I observed two children, one male one female both age 6, try to preform correctly: leaping, horizontal jumping, and sliding. Overall both children were at about the same level of performance and both had trouble with leaping. Since leaping is so close to running, as each student tried to leap faster, that eventually turned into running.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day two at St. Mary's

Today at St. Mary's I was with the Pre-K class. Before I went with them I observed two children, one male one female both age 6, try to perform correctly: running, galloping, and hopping. Overall both children were at about the same level of performance and both had difficulty with hopping on one foot. In the Pre-K room I felt at home because my Mother works in a Specail Education Pre-K classroom at home, and I go in there quite frequently, and I sort of new how to act around them. The kids were eager to learn how to make their own spongebob characters. I look forward to next week when I get to be in the classroom with them again.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

St. Mary's Day 1

This Monday was our first day at St. Mary's interacting with the children. I was on invetory, but when my group finished we got to play different sports with the kids. I noticed that each age group had a different way of playing. When I was playing basketball the younger kids just threw the ball up at the hoop, while the older kids added more of an element of the actual game to shooting hoops. The Pre-K group was isolated in a little section of the gym when they came in to play their specific games. When it came to the boys and girls, the boys mostly played soccer, or basketball, while the girls played jump rope. Over all I think that it was a good first day at St. Mary's and I can't wait to go back and teach one of my games.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 1 Summary

Chapter one of Developmental Physical Education for All Children, mainly talked abou tthe different domains of developmental physical education. The main domains that make up this are sensitive to the motor, cognitive, and affective domains. Motor domian is the basis for all movment skills. Many things, such as your hereditary make up, along with specific enviornmental condtions, can contribute to how your motor domain develops. I feel that it is important to concentrate on this particular domain because it teaches children the basic steps of movement, and you need movement for physical education, such as throwing a ball, walking, running, or bending. Cognitive learning is also important because it allows the student to think, reason, and rememeber what has been taught to them. Most young students learn best when you show them what they are suppose to be doing, and how to do it. However some cognitive learning can take place in the classroom. Finally the last domain is affect. Affective learning is learning that increases the ability of children to act, interact, and react differently with other people. This domain is also considered the "social" development, where young children learn the difference between right and wrong, and learn the can be rewarded or punished for their actions. A culturally deprived environment can impact how this domain develops in a child. When in a classroom, praise is a good thing to give to a child, because in their eyes everything is good, or bad.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Post Number 1

Today I went to St. Marys school to learn how I was going to be interacting with the kids. Each age group is different and have different ways of interacting with them. Over break I went into my old elementary school into my mother's pre-school class. This class had special needs students in it and they had to be treated/talked to in a different mannor then the rest of the students. When they were doing physical activity the teachers needed to assert themselves in a way that would keep the students attention but they needed to speak quickly because they would loose some of the children's attention. I think that going to lab will show me different ways to interact with older students as well as the younger ones.